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后山·云 | 愿尔如云,自在随风

风格: 后现代 现实主义
#门厅 #本案例位于一家大型购物场所内部, The case is located at a large shopping mall, 在繁华与喧闹中看到此作品, seen in the hustle and bustle place, 总能让人安静下来, easily makes people feel 感觉是舒适的, cozy 轻松的, and relaxing. 让人忍不住想要进去小憩一会儿。 It's tempting to go in and take a nap.
#客厅 #本案为商用空间,设计师不单要站在业主所需的商业功能的角度去思考,更要站在受众的体验角度去考虑,用专业的手法打造智慧宜人的空间环境。 The designer should not only consider from the commercial functions required by the owner, but also from the experience of consumers, and create a reasonable and pleasant space with professional methods. 作品主题为:后山∙云 设计师把对故乡最深刻的印象--葱翠后山和悠悠白云搬到这繁华都市。 The theme of the work is Hometown Impression. The designer has moved the most profound impression of his hometown -- lush backyard-hills and white leisure clouds to this prosperous city. 希望借此意境为受众营造一个有安全感,有归属感的空间氛围,同时也表达了一种生活态度:如云,自在随风;如山,沉着稳重。 It is hoped that this artistic conception can create a sense of security and belonging for the consumers. Meanwhile, it expresses the attitude of life: be a piece of cloud, comfortable with the wind and be like a mountain, calm and steady.
#厨房 #本案以简约后现代风格为主,注重线条的流畅设计,简约时尚。 The designer mainly focuses on the brief postmodern style and pays attention to the smooth design of lines, which makes the work concise and fashionable. 用材方面贴合了全屋定制的家具用材,主要以石、木、铁皮作为饰面或是用这些材质做成的柜体为饰面,既满足了材料展示,功能区域的展示,还达到了装饰的效果。 The material is fitted to the furniture used in the household customization. It is mainly decorated with stone,wood and iron, or with cabinets that make of these materials. It not only satisfies the display of material, household function, but also plays a decorative role. 尤其是石、木、铁本身所具有的柔和色彩、细密质感以及天然的纹理非常自然地融入到设计效果之中,展现出一种朴素、清新的原始之美,代表着独特的自然风格。 In particular, the soft color, prefect texture and natural lines of these materials are naturally integrated into the design, exhibiting a brief, fresh and original aesthetics, which representing nature. 虽不作过多的装饰,剥离了很多外在,极简却又打动人心。 Not too much decoration, stripped a luxuriant outlook, brief but impressive.
#厨房 #天花在保留最原始的工业风格的基础上,用镂空的白色网格制作而成的“概念云”进行修饰,同时也在视觉上达到了一定的延展效果。 On the basis of the most primitive industrial style, ceiling decorated by white hollow-out grids which stand for "conceptual cloud", and it also used to expand the visual horizon. 云给人的印象是变化万千的,就如这个时代一般瞬息多变,同时这也是与全屋定制的概念相契合的:强调个性化和私人订制,摆脱标签化和被定义。 The impression of the cloud is polytropic, such as the changeable times, and it also fits into the concept of household customization: emphasizing individualization and private customization, and getting rid of being labeled or defined. 神奇之处在于每个人看了“概念云”都会有不一样的感受,有人觉得像工业园区,有人觉得是抽象化的网络世界,还有人觉得是倒置的繁华都市... The most magical part is that everyone have different perceptions toward "conceptual cloud", some people thinks it's an industrial district, some people thinks it's an abstract internet world, and some people think it's an upside down prosperous city...
#卧室 #通过色彩搭配转移空间的平衡感 Keep the balance of the space through color assortment. 为协调整体空间,营造出惬意的生活情调,设计师在空间处理和色彩搭配方面下足功夫。 In order to coordinate the whole space, create a comfortable living atmosphere. The designer works hard in space processing and color matching. 一个空间,一个视觉中心,而这个中心的主导者就是色彩。 Each space has a visual center, and the main role of each space is color. 这种风格色彩搭配之所以可以令人印象深刻,是因为它总能获得令人视觉舒服的效果--不用白色而更多地使用中性色进行柔和过渡,黑白灰营造私密稳重的空间效果,再用稳定空间的元素打破它的视觉膨胀感,比如用木系素色家具或中性色软装。 More neutral colors used for transition softly than only white, makes the work impressive and also provides a comfortable vision. Using black and white to create a private and safe space effect, and use a warm color as space-stable element to break its rigid, such as wooden furniture with a soft color or some trimming with neutral color.
#其他空间 #对一个空间区域进行多次切片划分 Multiple slice and divide a space area. “流动性"是固态商业空间必须要攻克的一大课题,对于小空间而言要满足诸多功能展示容易显得拥挤,对于大空间而言则容易让人觉得晕头转向,找不到方向。 "Liquidity" is a big topic which must be conquered. It is easily become crowded for satisfy the exhibition of various functions in small space, while it easily makes people feel puzzled, and hard to find the direction in large space. 本案设置了独立的洽谈区、前台+水吧、衣帽间、卧室、客厅、厨房、小餐厅、酒柜以及办公区域。 The case set up independent negotiation area, front desk conjunct with water bar, cloakroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, dining room, wine cabinet office area and so on. 设计师运用对空间区域进行合理地切片划分的手法 ,在满足展示的功能基础上,同时还满足了整体空间流畅性和舒适性。 The designer makes an intelligent use of the division of space area, in order to satisfy the function of exhibition, meanwhile makes the space fluent and comfortable.










